intel sciart:
nu has been chosen to be working on very interesting project for Intel to celebrate their International Science and Engineering Fair as below.
The SciArt Series is a collection of art that celebrates the scientific breakthroughs at the Intel® International Science and Engineering Fair® 2012. Our challenge is to build interest for the science breakthroughs at ISEF and extend the life of the weeklong fair.
Intel will connect 25 artists with 25 ISEF student scientists, and each artist will create an original piece of art that visually brings the science breakthrough to life in a program called the SciArt Series. The work will range from graphic design to fine art with a mix of techniques. The pieces will visually communicate the power of the projects and creatively depict the impact the project could have on the world. They will pay off the question: How will the world be a better place if this idea was widely adopted?
>view the original press at or
Happy Dreams - Food Micro-algae & Ink
From the Artist: “I see nature as the origin of harmony and communication, and animals as messengers to nature for mankind who is lost, and looking for their nature. I act as a translator and storyteller between different creatures and the world. I capture each moment of my understanding, the interaction between humans and nature, and I transformed it onto the canvas.” -nu ryu
"Happy Dreams" in the #Intel #SciArt Series depicts the ability grow human and animal food from algae, like proteins and lipids.
Intel - SciArt Series from Matthew Schlichter's Projects on Vimeo.
>view more press featuring Intel SciArt at and LO/REZ MAGAZINE